List of Programs at Dalhousie University, Canada - Find your next program of study at Dalhousie University.

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Academic Level / Area of Study | Program Of Study | Program Length | Duration of Term(s) | Program Type |
BachelorCommerce | Accounting | 4Year(s) | 12-16Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterComputer Sciences | Applied Computer Science | 2Year(s) | 14Week(s) | Internship |
BachelorComputer Sciences | Applied Computer Science / Informatics | 4Year(s) | 4Month(s) | CO-OP |
MasterArts | Architecture | 2Year(s) | 14Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorArchitecture | Bachelor of Environmental Design | 4Year(s) | 4Month(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorSciences | Biochemistry | 4- 4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorEngineering | Biological Engineering | 5Year(s) | 14 min.Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorSciences | Biology | 4-4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterBusiness administration | Business & Government | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorEngineering | Chemical Engineering | 5Year(s) | 14 min.Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorSciences | Chemistry | 4- 4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorEngineering | Civil Engineering | 5Year(s) | 14 min.Week(s) | CO-OP |
DoctorateApplied Sciences | Clinical Psychology | 5Year(s) | 12Month(s) | Internship |
MasterEngineering | Commerce Program | 2Year(s) | 13Week(s) | CO-OP |
Bachelor | Computer Science | 4Year(s) | 14 Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterBusiness administration | Corporate Residency | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | Internship |
MasterBusiness administration | Corporate Residency MBA | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | Internship |
MasterBusiness administration | Corporate Residency MBA | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | Internship |
College Diploma (DCS)Management | Diploma of Technology - Business Management | 2Year(s) | 12Week(s) | Internship |
BachelorSciences | Earth Sciences | 4-4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorSciences | Economics | 4-4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorEngineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering | 5Year(s) | 14 min.Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterComputer Sciences | Electronic Commerce | 2Year(s) | 13Week(s) | Internship |
MasterBusiness administration | Enterprise Analytics | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | Internship |
BachelorBusiness administration | Entrepreneurship | 4Year(s) | 16Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterBusiness administration | Entrepreneurship & Innovation | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | Internship |
BachelorManagement Sciences | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 4Year(s) | 8-12Month(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorManagement Sciences | Environment, Sustainability and Society | 4Year(s) | 8-12Month(s) | Internship |
BachelorEngineering | Environmental Engineering | 5Year(s) | 14 min.Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterEnvironment | Environmental Management | 16 Month(s) | 12 - 16Week(s) | Internship |
BachelorSciences | Environmental Science | 4 - 4.3Year(s) | 13 -17 Week(s) | CO-OP |
DoctorateSciences | Epidemiology and Applied Health Research | 4Year(s) | 12Week(s) | Internship |
BachelorCommerce | Finance | 4Year(s) | 12-16Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterBusiness administration | Finance | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | Internship |
MasterComputer Sciences | Health Informatics | 2Year(s) | 13Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorHealth Sciences | Health Promotion | 4Year(s) | 14Week(s) | Internship |
MasterHealth Sciences | Health Services Administration | 2Year(s) | 16Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterHealth Sciences | Health Services Research | 2Year(s) | 16Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorEngineering | Industrial Engineering | 5Year(s) | 14 min.Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorCommerce | International Business | 4Year(s) | 12-16Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterBusiness administration | International Business | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | Internship |
BachelorBusiness administration | International Food Business | 4Year(s) | 12Week(s) | Internship |
BachelorManagement Sciences | Knowledge Management | 4Year(s) | 8-12Month(s) | Internship |
BachelorManagement Sciences | Leadership & Organizations | 4Year(s) | 8-12Month(s) | Internship |
MasterBusiness administration | Management | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | Internship |
BachelorManagement Sciences | Management & Globalization | 4Year(s) | 8-12Month(s) | Internship |
BachelorCommerce | Managing People and Organizations | 4Year(s) | 12-16Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorSciences | Marine Biology | 4 - 4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterManagement Sciences | Marine Management | 12Month(s) | 4 weeks to 4 Month(s) | Internship |
MasterBusiness administration | Marketing | 22Month(s) | 8Month(s) | Internship |
BachelorCommerce | Marketing Logistics | 4Year(s) | 12-16Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorCommerce | Marketing Management | 4Year(s) | 12-16Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterArchitecture | Master of Architecture | 2Year(s) | 8Month(s) | CO-OP |
Master | Master of Information | 2Year(s) | 500+Hour(s) | Internship |
MasterPlanning | Master of Planning | 2Year(s) | 4Month(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorEngineering | Materials Engineering | 5Year(s) | 14 min.Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorSciences | Mathematics | 4 - 4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorEngineering | Mechanical Engineering | 5Year(s) | 14 min.Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorSciences | Microbiology & Immunology | 4 - 4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorEngineering | Mineral Resources Engineering | 5Year(s) | 14 min.Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorSciences | Other | 4Year(s) | 12Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorSciences | Physics | 4 - 4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterArts | Planning | 2Year(s) | 14Week(s) | CO-OP |
MasterPublic Administration | Public Administration | 2Year(s) | 14 - 18Week(s) | CO-OP |
BachelorManagement Sciences | Public Sector Management | 4Year(s) | 8-12Month(s) | Internship |
BachelorSocial Sciences | Social Work | 4Year(s) | 700Hour(s) | Internship |
MasterSocial Sciences | Social Work | 1Year(s) | 450Hour(s) | Internship |
BachelorSciences | Statistics | 4 - 4.3Year(s) | 13-17Week(s) | CO-OP |
Academic Level / Area of Study | Program Of Study | Program Length | Duration of Term(s) | Program Type |
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